Choice, flexibility and control

Taking charge of your super with Choice Income helps you control how long your savings will last in retirement.

Why Choice Income

Get the benefits of an award-winning1 account based pension – Choice Income – with Australia’s most trusted fund2.

Here’s a quick summary of how Choice Income can help you make the most of your savings in retirement:

  • Stay invested and you could keep earning returns in retirement. Plus you can choose how your money is invested – or leave it up to the experts.
  • Enjoy a regular income just like the pay you’re used to.
  • Control how much you’re paid, and how often money is put into your account whether that’s fortnightly, monthly, or yearly3.
  • Tax free investment returns.
  • Tax free income payments from age 60.

You can also use the income paid from your Choice Income account to top up any Government Age Pension payments you may be eligible for.

How Choice Income works

Your Choice Income account starts when you transfer your super over, and your payment and investment options are set up.

Positive investment returns add to your balance; your income payments, fees and any negative returns reduce it.

Helping your super go even further

Staying invested with AustralianSuper in retirement could help your super savings last longer.

The chart below shows the Choice Income member returns over 10 years to 31 December 2023 for the Balanced and Cash investment options. As you can see, the Balanced option has delivered members a higher return than the Cash option, despite times of market volatility such as the global financial crisis in 2008 and the pandemic downturn.

The chart shows the growth of a $50,000 balance in AustralianSuper’s Balanced option for Choice Income investment option compared with the Cash investment option, over a 10-year period to 1 January 20244, less administration fees and mandatory drawdowns.

  • Balanced option: A members’ balance would have grown by $25,800, totalling $75,800 in December 20235.
  • Cash option: A member’s balance would have decreased by $10,600 totalling $39,400 in December 20235.

See how Choice Income compares

AustralianSuper’s history of strong, long-term performance has seen our Choice Income Balanced option deliver an average annual return of 8.83% over 10 years to 30 June 20246.

Australia’s most trusted super fund, 12 years running2 and winner of the Canstar Outstanding Value Award for account based pension1.

Opening your Choice Income account

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