In this video, AustralianSuper Chief Executive, Paul Schroder, shares the Fund’s end of financial year results and highlights.
Show transcript
Hello, I’m Paul Schroder, Chief Executive of AustralianSuper, and I’m pleased to provide you with an update for the financial year to June 30, 2024.
This year, the Fund delivered positive investment returns for members and continues to be a top performer over the long term. The Balanced investment option, where most members invest, achieved a return of 8.46 percent this year, and the average annual return for this option, over the last 10 years, was slightly above eight percent.
The Balanced option for Choice Income pension accounts achieved a return of 9.25 percent this year, with an average annual return of 8.83 percent over the last 10 years.
Over the last year investment markets have been driven by strong growth in listed shares, in Australia and internationally. Technology advances and consumer spending have led to solid earnings growth for companies around the world.
On your behalf, we’re a very large investor in Australia and globally we’re on the ground in key financial markets, actively managing nearly $340 billion dollars for more than 3.4 million members. We remain focused on delivering strong, long-term returns, low fees, and great services to you.
Looking ahead, the team continues to adjust the portfolio to balance growth potential with risk. AustralianSuper has a strong track record of managing members’ retirement savings through market cycles. Superannuation is an investment you’ll have through your working life and into retirement, potentially 50 or 60 years, so it’s important to keep a long-term view.
Everyone’s retirement story is different. Whatever your story, we’re here to help you get the most out of your super when you retire. We want to provide you with world-class products and services at all stages, including those of you transitioning to retirement and those already retired.
This year, we’ve improved the service and support we provide members who need to make an insurance claim and to the loved ones of members who’ve died. We’ve strengthened the management of multiple member accounts, and continue to improve the experience members, like you, have with us.
We’re making it simpler, safer and easier for you to get the right help, information, guidance and advice you need.
All of us at AustralianSuper remain committed to supporting you to achieve your best financial position in retirement.
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