Whether you’re a payroll manager, accountant or bookkeeper, the AustralianSuper Business Portal is designed to complement your super clearing house, to help make paying and managing super easier.
Why sign up for the Business Portal?
It's all about ease and simplicity. Sign up for the Business Portal today and enjoy the following benefits:
- create new super member accounts for employees, with instant new number allocation
- retrieve super member numbers on the spot
- view individual and company contributions
- export records and reports for business use and analysis, and
- notify us when an employee’s employment is terminated to keep your records up to date.
To find out more about the Business Portal and what it offers, download ‘A guide to the AustralianSuper Business Portal’.
Sign up for the business portal">

Show transcript
At Australian Super, our online Business Portal can help make things easier for your business.
Designed to complement any super clearing house, the Business Portal makes paying and managing super so much simpler. Here’s what it can do for you.
You can create super accounts for your new employees and retrieve member numbers on the spot, so you’ve got them on hand when you go to make your super contributions. Plus, you can access payment history and details for each employee and for your business.
If you don’t have any super payments due for a specific payment period, you can let us know by submitting a no super payment required form.
You can also let us know when an employee is no longer working for you after you have paid any super contributions they are entitled to.
And you can do all of this securely and easily on your computer or mobile device. Sound good?
To help manage your account, your business has the option to have up to four active portal users at any one time. Portal users can easily manage their own profiles.
If you have more than one registered business, you can link them together so they can be viewed under a single account. This will also allow you to toggle between linked business accounts.
And remember, if you’re looking for your employer number, you can easily locate it throughout the portal.
To get yourself set up, or for more information about the Business Portal, visit australiansuper.com/businessportal
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How to sign up
To sign up, you can register online. You’ll need the following on-hand:
- Your AustralianSuper employer number
- Your Australian Business Number (ABN) or
- Withholding Payer Number (WPN) and
- The email address you have registered with us.
Sign up for the business portal
Find out more about the Business Portal
Contact AustralianSuper on 1300 300 273 or email us to request a call back from a business specialist.
Setting up super for new starters
To set up super accounts for new starters, be sure to get their personal email address and mobile phone number so their contact details remain up-to-date, even if they change jobs.
Find out more about new starters and super.