Ensuring super is paid to eligible employees at least quarterly through an online payment system is not just a compliance requirement; it's an opportunity to help enhance your employees' financial position in retirement.
When you register with AustralianSuper as your default fund, you gain access to QuickSuper1, a super clearing house that is quick, free, and secure. This service is designed to streamline your super contribution payment process and integrate with your systems. AustralianSuper and QuickSuper can help you meet your super payment responsibilities with ease.
Sign up for QuickSuper
Already with QuickSuper?
What is QuickSuper?
QuickSuper offers businesses registered with AustralianSuper a fast, free and secure, government compliant online payment system that streamlines your superannuation payments. If you want to sign up for QuickSuper, you can apply online or contact us for support.
How to pay super with QuickSuper
You can pay super in 3 easy steps.
Why QuickSuper?
There are many benefits in paying super to employees using the QuickSuper clearing house. First of all, QuickSuper makes it easy to pay employees’ super in one single payment, no matter what super fund they belong to. Secondly, QuickSuper complies with SuperStream – this is the way businesses must pay employee superannuation guarantee (SG) contributions to super funds. And finally, it’s fast, free and secure.
QuickSuper does much more than just pay super. You can also:
- create accounts for new employees
- make additional or voluntary contributions
- update business and employee details
- use reporting to reconcile payments
- create a detailed audit trail
- choose your super payment frequency: weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly.
1QuickSuper is a registered trademark and a product owned and operated by Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141. Westpac’s terms and conditions applicable to the QuickSuper service are available after your eligibility for the free clearing house service is assessed by AustralianSuper. A Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) is available from Westpac upon request. AustralianSuper doesn’t accept liability for any loss or damage caused by use of the QuickSuper service and doesn’t receive any commissions from Westpac if employers use this service. You can choose to make your contributions using a different service, but it needs to meet the government’s minimum data standards, visit ato.gov.au
Watch how to pay super

Show transcript
At AustralianSuper we offer businesses like yours a compliant system to make your super payments, along with a complimentary Business Portal.
In this video we will cover:
- How to make super payments
- The systems available to you
- And how you can get the most out of what AustralianSuper offers.
All employer super contributions must be paid using a SuperStream-compliant electronic payment system.
These include:
- Payroll software – such as MYOB or Xero
- Super clearing houses - such as QuickSuper
- and the ATO’s Small Business Superannuation Clearing House.
As long as the system you use is SuperStream compliant, it’s your choice. But there are many benefits in using a clearing house such as QuickSuper.
QuickSuper makes it easy to pay all your employees’ super in one single payment, no matter what super fund they belong to as well as a range of other features. And, it’s fast, free and secure.
If you want to pay your employees’ super using QuickSuper, you’ll first need to register with AustralianSuper.
Registering should only take about 5 minutes, although confirmation can take up to 48 hours.
You will also need your ABN and business’ total number of employees before you start.
Once you’ve received your confirmation email you can sign up for QuickSuper and start making your employees’ super payments.
Your confirmation email will also prompt you to activate the AustralianSuper Business Portal.
This is a complementary service for AustralianSuper employers, designed to work with any clearing house, to make paying and managing your super easier.
Already registered with AustralianSuper? If so, find out more about how the Business Portal can help simplify paying and managing super. Go to australiansuper.com/BusinessPortal
Frequently asked questions about paying super
Do I need to pay super? @headerType>
As an employer, you're legally required to pay a minimum level of super which is known as the Super Guarantee (SG) of 11.5% of your employee's before-tax wage, if they are 18 years or older from 1 July 2024.
If your employee is under 18, they must also have worked at least 30 hours in a week in that calendar month to be eligible for super, regardless of how much you pay them.
How much super do I pay? @headerType>
The current rate at which super must be paid is 11.5% of your employee’s ordinary time earnings.
What happens if I don’t pay super on time? @headerType>
If you don’t meet the quarterly deadline you’ll have to pay the ATO’s Super Guarantee Charge and provide a statement in the following month to the ATO.
The Super Guarantee Charge is made up of:
- The contributions you owe
- Interest on the contributions you owe
- an administration fee
I currently use another clearing house. Can I switch to QuickSuper to make payments? @headerType>
Yes you can. Before you make a decision, read our article choosing a clearing house. -
Can I sign up for QuickSuper before I register as an employer? @headerType>
No. Please register as an employer with AustralianSuper, before signing up for QuickSuper. -
What is a stapled super fund? @headerType>
A stapled super fund is an existing super account which is linked, or 'stapled', to an individual employee so that it follows them as they change jobs. Read our article to understand the impact that super stapling has on your business. -
How frequently do I need to pay super? @headerType>
Pay super for your eligible employees at least quarterly by the Super due dates. You can also consider paying weekly, fortnightly or monthly if that suits your payment cycle or bookkeeping. -
Do I need to keep records about the super contributions I make for employees? @headerType>
Yes, the ATO requires you to keep records of all the transactions you make in relation to your employees’ super. Even if you use a clearing house to distribute your super payments, you’re still required to keep adequate records about the SG payments. When you’re required to make super contributions under an employment agreement or an award, there may be additional obligations imposed on employers, so please check the relevant regulation or award. -
Is super paid on gross or net pay? @headerType>
Super is calculated by multiplying the gross salary and wages by the SG rate, currently 11.5%. -
Do I need to pay super on overtime and expenses? @headerType>
No, these are excluded. However, some bonuses and allowances are included. For example, if you earn $75,000 and a $5,000 bonus, then $80,000 x 11.5% = $9,200. Whilst overtime is excluded from the super calculation (if overtime is part of your rostered hours of work, so you can’t distinctly identify overtime hours), the hours actually worked should be included in ordinary hours of work. -
Do I need a super clearing house, and if so, what should I consider when choosing one? @headerType>
If you’re not sure, please read our article titled What to look for when choosing a super clearing house. -
Is there a cost to use QuickSuper? @headerType>
No, it’s a free service offered to employers who are registered with AustralianSuper. -
Can I use a file to upload my contributions? @headerType>
Yes. However, the file format needs to be in the specified format of CSV or SAFF file. Both of these file templates can be downloaded from the QuickSuper website.
QuickSuper help and resources
QuickSuper how-to guide - pdf, 3.7MB
Download the QuickSuper how-to guide for step-by-step instructions on setting up your account and making super payments.
CSV file template - csv, 649KB
Use this CSV file template if you use a payroll system and want to make bulk super payments by file upload.
Not yet registered as an employer with us?@headerType>
It’s quick and easy to register via our simple online form. Once you’ve registered, you’ll be able to access the wide range of services and tools we offer employers.
Register as an employer