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Super to suit the way you work

Embracing new ways of working?
Make sure your super keeps up.

More Australians are running their own businesses, freelancing, contracting, or joining the gig economy. If you're part of this change, it's important to remember that super will still play a big part in your retirement. There are small steps you can take now that could make a big difference to your future.

A little now could be a lot in the future

Even if retirement feels far away, saving for your future now can pay off. By adding to your super now7, you could enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle when you finish working. And with power of compound interest, the earlier you invest, the longer your super has to grow.


‡ This example is for illustration purposes only, rounded to the nearest $1k. The actual benefits you receive will depend on a range of factors including future economic conditions, investment performance and legislative change. Investment performance is not guaranteed. Source: AustralianSuper calculations June 2024.


Super tips for the self-employed

Working for yourself means being responsible for paying your own super – but when you're flying solo or starting a business that can be the last thing on your mind. You’ll also be responsible for paying super to any employees you take on as your business grows. Learn about your obligations, the tax effectiveness of paying yourself super and the different ways you can contribute to your account. 

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Super tips for the gig economy

If you’re a freelancer, contract worker or part of the gig economy, it can be confusing understanding who’s responsible for paying your super – and when. Make sure you don’t miss out on saving for the future if you need to pay yourself super, learn when you need to make contributions, how to make them and if you’re eligible for government help.  

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A fund that works as hard as you do

With over 3.4 million members8, we're Australia's largest3 super fund and have a history of strong, long term performance2. We've also been voted most-trusted super fund4. We're a profit-for-member fund. We don't pay profits or dividends to shareholders, so the money we make is for members.

How your fund performs over the long-term will make a big difference to your savings for the future. At AustralianSuper, we focus on what that performance means for the net benefit of your super. That is, what your overall financial position could be after taking away admin and investment fees – it’s one of the best ways to see how funds stack up.


See how AustralianSuper compares

Net benefit refers to investment earnings to 30 June 2024 (less administration, investment fees and costs, transaction costs and taxes). Investment returns are not guaranteed. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future returns.

The comparison shows what a member would have for 15 years to 30 June 2024, in addition to a $50,000 starting balance and employer contributions, assuming they started with a $50,000 annual salary9.

How to compare super funds

Compare super funds using the free Super AppleCheck comparison tool from independent super research firm Chant West. You can see how our investments, fees, insurance and member services weigh up against other funds on an ‘apples-to-apples’ basis.

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Feel confident about the future, with access to advice5 along the way.


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