I want to… @headerType>
I need help with...
Joining AustralianSuper@headerType>
For information about joining, including what details you’ll need to open an account, go to How to join AustralianSuper. -
Online access@headerType>
Experiencing issues with your online online? Visit our help page.
Don't have online access set up? Register for online access to your account to get started. Once you’ve got online access, you can download the mobile app access your account via your mobile.
Updating my details@headerType>
You can update your address, email, or non-mobile phone number in your account online.
Log into your account online, click on your name and select 'Contact details'.
Don't have online access set up? Register for online access to your account to get started.
Consolidating my super@headerType>
Find out more about consolidating your superYou can consolidate your super via
- the 'Transactions' tab of your account online, or
- the mobile app home page.
Making after-tax contributions@headerType>
Find out more about after-tax contributions
How to claim a tax deduction for voluntary (after-tax) contributions
You can make a voluntary (after-tax) contribution via
- the 'Transactions' tab of your account online, or
- the mobile app home page.
Claiming a tax deduction for voluntary (after-tax) contributions@headerType>
Learn more about claiming a tax deduction for voluntary (after-tax) contributions.
You can claim a tax deduction on your voluntary (after-tax) super contributions in your next income tax return return by logging into your account online. (You can’t do this via the app).
Log into your account online. Go to the 'Account' tab of your account, then select ‘Online forms’.
Don't have online access set up? Register for online access to your account to get started.
Making a withdrawal@headerType>
Learn about eligibility, how to apply, and the withdrawal process in our Accessing your super guide.
If you've met a condition of release, you can apply by logging into your account online and going to 'Transactions'. (You can’t do this via the app.)
Can't find what you're looking for?
Get in touch
Australian callers
Overseas callers
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Send an enquiry
Send a letter
Super address:
GPO Box 1901 Melbourne VIC 3001
Locked Bag 6 Carlton South VIC 3053
The AustralianSuper member support team is based in Australia, and we're committed to supporting and assisting you with your super. Your respect and cooperation are always appreciated.