Forms & fact sheets

Everything you need to know, plus all the things you need to fill in.

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Use our online forms for faster, more secure transactions including contributing, withdrawing and claiming a tax deduction. 

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Most popular

Letter of Compliance (Ask an employer to pay super into your AustralianSuper account) PDF, 161KB

Pay my super into AustralianSuper PDF, 126KB

Split your super contributions with your spouse PDF, 157KB

Tax and super PDF, 1.0MB

Investment Choice PDF, 197KB

  • Access my super (8)

    Apply for a payment (compassionate grounds) - pdf, 215 KB

    Apply for a payment (family law) - pdf, 234 KB

    Apply for a payment (financial hardship) - pdf, 216 KB

    Close your account and make a full withdrawal (balance less than $200) - pdf, 132 KB

    Transfer your AustralianSuper account to your KiwiSaver - pdf, 182 KB

    Fact sheets
    Can you access your super? - pdf, 113 KB

    Claiming super when you leave Australia - pdf, 109 KB

    Using your super to buy your first home - pdf, 99 KB

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